Configuration with IPSM Dashboard

IPSM can be configured with either REST API, or IPSM Dashboard. IPSM Dashboard is a web application that covers IPSM REST API with more user-friendly interface.

List alignments

In the top menu bar choose Configuration -> Alignments. The list of already uploaded alignments will be shown.

List alignments

List alignments

The information displayed in the table are extracted from metadata elements inside an alignment.

Upload an alignment

To upload an alignment in the top menu bar choose Configuration -> Alignments, and move alignment file into input text area and press Add alignment.

Delete an alignment

To delete an alignment in the top menu bar choose Configuration -> Alignments, and press red cross icon next to the alignment to be removed. Note, that alignment can only be removed when it is not used in any channel definition.

List channels

In the top menu bar choose Configuration -> Channels. The list of already defined channels will be shown.

List channels

List channels

Define channels

To create a new channel to to Configuration -> Channels, and fill data in the form. Source and target are names of input and output topics for translation channels created using Apache Kafka infrastructure. Input and output alignments is a pair of alignments that a channel used. In the drop down list, there is a possibility to choose IDENTITY alignment that is equivalent to not applying any operations to the RDF graph.

Delete channel

To delete a channel in the top menu bar choose Configuration -> Channels, and press red cross icon next to the channel to be removed.